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Neuer Beitragstitel

# 06. April 2021

Corona 2020/21

Lockdowns and Global -Situation hit us hard.
But we never give up. ;)

New servers & domains are done,
42.chat:3000 is also Up and running.

For more NEWS check also BuschCoin  ➦

Neuer Beitragstitel


Book your seat now.


!! For the Airdrop-Butler only BSC !!
After this step, you can send as test a tiny amount BNB on BSC to this address:
# How to add BuschCoin in Binance Wallet: ➦

AMOC-Butler ID:

After the Airdrop-Event, we will finish the LaunchPadContract and start our flight.
The AirDrop we calculate the BuschCoins for the launch-price 0.0042$.
Airdrop is x5 in BuschCoins.